Application Guide for GSoC Contributor Candidates

This is intended to serve as a guide for those who would like to apply for a Qdrant project at GSoC.

You can see the project ideas here. We created a dedicated channel in our Discord server, and you’re encouraged to join it for further communication. To better assist everyone, we created a list of helpful hints to answer frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered below, you can post to the Discord channel or contact Kumar Shivendu, who will act as a coordinator for the GSoC program.

What to know before applying?

  1. You need to make an application at the GSoC website so that it can count towards a GSoC internship. If you would like to make contributions outside the GSoC program, you are more than welcome.
  2. Contributor applications are open from March 18 to April 2, so you can take your time to get your application ready by the application period.
  3. You are suggested that you start by reading the contributing guides of our projects at their GitHub repositories. Then you can read the docs and review the examples to get familiarized with the source code. You can even go the extra mile by developing a project on GitHub that makes use of Qdrant, Fastembed, or whichever you’re applying for.
  4. Once you become familiar with the source code, you can start writing a proposal for the project idea that you’d like to contribute to.
  5. In your proposal, tell us about the deliverables and your past experiences and how they suit the requirements of that particular project idea. You can follow this guideline when writing your proposal. If you think that you lack some of the requirements, you can make use of the time till the application period to increase your knowledge. When doing so, feel free to ask for guidance.

Where to start

Best of luck in your GSoC experience. We are looking forward to working with you!